This is what you have moved
pair of shoes for children in need
supported schools
Who are we?
Running for a good cause: Our debut at the Hermannslauf for children in South Africa
We take part in the Hermannslauf to collect donations for needy children in South Africa. The Hermannslauf runs 31.1 kilometres from the Hermannsdenkmal monument near Detmold to Sparrenburg Castle in Bielefeld and takes place every year on 28 April. Our dedicated team is looking forward to making a contribution together. Join us on this special run and support children in South Africa with every step!

My name is Mthobisi Ntsele and I come from South Africa.
Inspired by my own childhood experiences and the challenges of growing up in modest circumstances, I founded Smallfeet to support school children in need. Join me to ensure that no child has to miss out on education because of poverty. Together we can make a lasting change!It's hard for me to see that many children still face similar challenges today.
With grateful regards
Mthobisi Ntsele
Support us
Here's how
With the help of the Welthaus Bielefeld organisation, we have built up a competent team and a modern infrastructure. Below you will find the details of our bank account and the opportunity to support people in South Africa directly.
Empfänger: Welthaus Bielefeld e.V. IBAN: DE91 4805 0161 0000 0908 94 BIC: SPBIDE3BXXX Sparkasse Bielefeld Verwendungszweck: Südafrika – Smallfeet
Recipient: Small Feet Npc
Account number: 62941484925
Branch Code: 250655
Bank: FNB
Reference: Small Feet

Our target
The beginning
With our first project „Shoes for Kids“ setzen wir den Grundstein für unsere Organisation und zukünftige Vorhaben. Unsere Vision besteht darin, ein Zentrum für bedürftige Kinder in Manguzi zu schaffen. Unsere höchste Priorität ist es, einen Ort zu gestalten, an dem jedes Kind Geborgenheit und Unterstützung erfährt. Gleichzeitig streben wir danach, Arbeitsplätze für engagierte Menschen aus der Gemeinschaft zu schaffen. Deine Hilfe ist entscheidend, um diese Vision Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam mit dir einen positiven Unterschied zu machen.